NDPS | Norwich & District Photographic Society

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Review of last night's outstanding photo-talk by Panikos Hajistilly

His website tells us that Panikos has won dozens of National Awards with his imagery, including the prestigious MPA Master Photographer of the Year in 2017/18, a Fellowship with the Master Photographers Association, a Master Craftsman with the Guild of Photographers and a Fellow with the SWPP and the BIPP.

The NDPS programme billed Panikos like this  - 'Tonight we look forward to a Masterclass as Panikos discusses his workflow from capturing the images all the way through post production to the final images for viewing by the client.'

 And what a night it was for understanding the creative viewpoint of the photographer and the nitty gritty work of painstaking post-production. Panikos made it clear that before he shoots a picture, be it studio or outside, he knows how he wants the image to look and he also knows how the model wants it to look! He took us through a couple of model shoots and began by showing how he selected, discarded and kept images in his system and then he moved on to demonstrating his photoshop techniques.

 We all know that with Photoshop there are always different techniques to achieve a similar result, but Panikos demonstrated his best and most workable ways of producing outstanding images in a manner that was easy to understand and simple to follow. Slowly, slowly, layer by layer, his images leapt into life.

 The two groups of NDPS, one at home and the other at our new Bluebell Road venue, listened and watched intently and came away with lots of new ideas and things to try for themselves. Our thanks to Panikos for a very practical evening and for a brief insight into the workings of this remarkable photographer.

Below is one of Panikos’ images of the Model Maleficent that he worked through from RAW file to finished image during his talk.

Magnificent Maleficent by Panikos Hajistillly