Covid 19 - Weekly Friendly Photo-competition, Week Three Results

The image that received the most LIKES in Round THREE of the competition was CHEQUERED TIPPLE by Robin Myerscough, in second place was YELLOW FLOWER BEHIND TEXTURED GLASS by David Jordan with SPOILT FOR CHOICE by Gary Hagg in third place.

Congratulations to Robin whose image goes forward to the FINAL when the weekly rounds come to an end after the Government’s current 'lock-down' measures are relaxed. The Theme for this week's competition which closes at 20:00 (8:00PM) on Friday is - SHAPES that you are able to photograph within your home environment. A reminder about the THREE important rules in the competition:

  1. The image MUST BE taken within the week the theme was set

  2. Capturing the image MUST NOT contravene government guidelines for Covid 19, including travel and social distancing

  3. Images entered in the competition MUST NOT be posted on other Social Media sites including other FB pages, Instagram etc. until voting for each round closes at 20:00 (8:00PM) the following Monday.,

The theme for Round Four which is for images captured between Tuesday 28th April and Friday 1st May is WHAT IS IT…?

WHAT IS IT is defined as follows - the challenge is to capture somrthing within your home environment in a way that makes it difficult to identify what is being photographed and is perhaps an opportunity for members to try a technique that is either new or challenging. The title of the image MUST identify the image but it will not be published until after the competition round comes to an end.
As an additional challenge ALL members are being asked to send in their guesses as to the identity of each image (which will be labelled Image_01, 02, 03 and so on when posted) by email to

The member who correctly identifies the most objects photographed will receive a prize. In the event of a tie the Infocus team will decide upon the winner by a simple ballot.
The theme for round six which commences on Tuesday 5th May will be announced at the start of round five on Tuesday 28th April.

The overall purpose of the competition remains to have fun and to provide something for members to do each week. It is also an opprtunity to try something new that you would not otherwise try.
ALL the themes are chosen so that images can be captured whilst self-isolating and social distancing constraints apply and SHOULD BE achieved by photographing things that are readily to hand in your normal daily environment.

Maurice Young