Archived Virtual Presentations

Since the COVID-19 restrictions the Society has put together a revised programme of meetings that are now presented online.  These have proven to be very successful, with good attendance and we thank all our members, speakers and judges who have adapted to this medium. Each of these online meetings is recorded.

Anyone who misses a Special Presentation or wants to listen again to what was said can do so by clicking on the appropriate button below. Due to data storage limitations the last four or so presentations will normally be available. Therefore, each presentation will normally be available for about 60 days after the meeting.


In the SEVEN days following a presentation members will be able to play the LATEST recording by simply clicking on the ‘Access button’ below the details of the meeting. This will allow members to listen to the recording without the need to first download the video file if they wish However, if the intention is to play the recording at a later date it is recommended that members download the video file to their own computer so that they can listen to the recording at their leisure.

Because, there is limits on both the capacity of the bandwidth and data-storage space available to the Society it is recommended that members who wish to listen to ALL other available recordings download the video file first before playing on their own computer.

PLEASE NOTE: The recordings can only be downloaded for members’ own purposes. The contents of each recording are strictly protected by copyright and must not be shared on Social Media sites, personal and public blogs or with any third-party for any reason without first obtaining the written permission of both the Presenter and the Society.