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Special Presentation - Nightscape Photography & Light Painting by Richard Tatti

  • Norwich & District Photographic Society Norwich, Uk (Zoom meeting) (map)


Norwich & District Photographic Society are delighted to welcome the inspiring photographer and owner of Nightscape Images - Richard Tatti who becomes our second speaker from Australia to join us online direct from his home more than 10,000 miles away in Central Victoria...!

Nothing quite compares to the night sky – the night sky is both beautiful and fascinating, and it is amazing how everything seems to come alive under the light of the stars.

In this talk to the members of Norwich & District Photographic Society Richard Tatti who is based in Central Victoria in Australia will share his experiences.  This highly illustrated talk the first part will include  lots of images taken using long exposure photography techniques and processed to best represent what the camera sensor can see using the latest imaging technology.  All with the intention of inspiring people to get out and try for themselves.

After the short break Richard will go through some more technical details of how to shoot these images etc. and of course leave enough time to answer any questions.

Non-members of the Society can attend this presentation by purchasing a Guest ticket which are available only through our booking agent Eventbrite UK using the link below.

Richard is a highly sought after speaker so early booking is advised to avoid disappointment. 

Here are some examples of Richard’s work that are being shown with his permission:

About Richard Tatti

Richard Tatti has been photographing the night sky and landscape for many years.  He began as a teenager with nothing more than a pair of binoculars and his mother’s old film camera. In more recent years he has re-connected his love of the night sky with modern camera technology. 

Richard has worked as a professional photographer/videographer for 20 years and has extensive experience with weddings, events, sport, landscape, and portrait photography.

Under the banner of ‘Nightscape Images’ he has held exhibitions and displays in various locations in Australia. Richard also holds very popular Nightscape Photography Workshops teaching others how to create awe inspiring nightscape photography. 

Richard's unique portfolio explores the mystery and wonder of the night sky and landscape after dark. He is passionate about what he does and loves to share his knowledge with anyone who is keen to learn and be inspired.

Richard’s unique style and ability to explain complex principles in a simple way makes him a sought after speaker at various events and gatherings around the world. 

 Learn more by visiting Richard's website:  LINK

Virtual presentations will continue to take place each Tuesday evening until the lockdown restrictions imposed by the UK government due to the Covid-19 pandemic are lifted and we can all meet again in the Methodist Hall. Chapel Field Road, Norwich, NR2 1DS.

A link will be sent to all members of the Society to enable members to join the meeting. When you join the meeting please follow the on-screen instructions and the instructions of the moderator.

About Norwich & District Photographic Society
With roots that can be traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century Norwich & District Photographic Society (NDPS) is one of the oldest photographic societies in the country. The annual season has something for everyone being jam-packed with fantastic presentations from accomplished photographers, practical workshops and tutorials, field trips, special interest groups, the usual photographic competitions and much more

Earlier Event: March 25
e.NDPS online discussion