Monthly Image Challenge


November 2023 - FASHION


This month’s selector Simon Ciappara said - “Congratulations to all who took part in this monthly challenge I enjoyed every image and struggled to place any as better than any other so my choice is based on the images I could remember clearly after not having looked at them for two days. A memorable image is a lasting impression”.

Congratulation to Joan Jordan whose image COLOUR CO-ORDINATION was chosen as November’s winning entry by Simon. There is a tranquillity that this picture conveys,  it speaks of self-assurance and a confidence, it brings to mind the poem by Jenny Joseph “When I grow old I shall wear purple”.
The photographer has framed the image with the cushions echoing the purple hair and has captured the vestige of a smile on the woman’s face, weather long suffering or merely mild amusement we will never know but will always wonder

“We had a week’s break in Cornwall during October and took the opportunity to visit St. Ives. We found ourselves in The Tate Art Gallery which is a very white, interesting architectural building overlooking the sea. Just inside the entrance was a large semicircular space with a number of purple and pink cushions scattered around for seating. As I stood, compact camera in hand, wondering what exactly to capture this lovely lady walked into the scene. I saw immediately that her hair matched the cushions exactly so approached her to compliment her on her choice of hair colour! I suggested she would make a good model to sit alongside the cushions and so I grabbed just one quick image. She was a bit shy and quickly moved away and didn’t want to see the photo but fortunately my quickie turned out okay.
Taken with my favourite Canon G5X Mark II. You just have to grab the moment sometimes.”
Joan Jordan

Simon’s selection for runner up was TEEN FASHION by David Barnes. The ubiquitous “Grey Hoodie” an essential staple for any teen wardrobe. The fact that they are texting one another in a group chat is a modern irony not lost on this photographer, the dexterity of their thumbs far more eloquent than the guttural teenage “Grunt”.

Finally the second runner-up was CHOOSE ME by David Wilcock. This image illustrates so well the point Hazel Frost FRPS made during her talk last week. A line of indigenous women, none of whom are looking in the same direction, all in their finest outfits especially for the picture. I’m amused by the second and ninth ladies wearing the same blanket cloaks and can only imagine the looks they gave each other when they turned up and subsequently positioned  themselves as far apart as possible.




Monthly Image Challenge

Each monthly challenge begins on the first day and closes at midnight on the 24th day of each month.  The ‘image of the month’ and two runners-up will normally be announced before the end of the month.  The theme for the DECEMBER (2023) CHALLENGE is shown below.  It is a ‘PICTORIAL’ challenge meaning there is no restriction regarding the composition of the image and post-processing techniques you may use.

GRAVEYARDS AND CEMETERIES - A classic haunt for photographers, on the hunt for atmospheric imagery. Any season, colour, or monochrome

Members can enter a maximum of TWO images in the challenge

When submitting images for the DECEMBER challenge the reference to be added at the end of the file name is MC12.

About the challenge

The Society’s Monthly Image Challenge is the perfect opportunity for members to test their photography skills, and to compete with other members in a friendly environment without the rigours of formal competitive photographic competitions.  It is, therefore, a perfect challenge for anyone who has recently joined NDPS, particularly if they are just starting out on their photographic journey, and/or, have not entered a photo-competition before.

The Monthly Image Challenge is open to all CURRENT members of the Society including eMEMBERS

The THEME for each challenge will be confirmed at the start of each challenge but for those who prefer to plan ahead they can also be found along with everything else you need to know about the Monthly Image Challenge below.

Selector’s Choice

When each challenge closes a 'Selector' will be asked to select an image of the month and two runners-up together with a few words explaining their selections.

The ‘Selector’ will be provided with a slideshow that contains all the images that have been entered in that month’s challenge. Only the title of the images will be visible, and all metadata will be deleted so that the author cannot be readily identified.

Selectors will be reminded when the receive the slideshow that the ‘Monthly Image Challenge’ has everything to do with having fun and being inclusive. It is not about winning or losing but rather it should reward those members who take a chance, are bold with their composition, try something new or simply invoke emotion in the mind of the viewer.


Gallery of all November’s Images

Monthly Image Challenge

As with all other photographic competitions, there are few rules to follow.  These are required to create a ‘level playing field’ for all who participate and because it is much easier and quicker to handle and store the images if they all arrive correctly named in the same format and size.  In addition, for members who are less familiar with submitting images into formal competitions it is also good practice, under no pressure, for the real thing...!

The ‘image of the month‘ will be displayed on the Society’s website together with a gallery showing all the other images entered that month’s challenge.  There will also be an archive so members can look back through the galleries of past monthly challenges.  The ‘image of the month’ will also appear on the cover of In Focus (the Society’s monthly newsletter) and on the Society’s Facebook page @ndpsinfocus.