Posts in New Season
Iñaki Hernández-Lasa's inspirational talk opens the 2020-2021 Season

Every year the Society aims to begin a new season with a bang. This new season was no exception and we, and a record number of virtual attendees from the Society and further afield, were not disappointed. With antecedents that included two Fellowships this always promised to be an attention grabbing presentation from Iñaki and he did not disappoint.

He led us through the inspirational areas of Minimalism and Abstraction through to the production of breath-taking images. He shared his thinking processes and pressed home his conviction that conceptualisation and meticulous planning were the precursors of success

His mantra was: Think - Compare - Compose - Shoot.

This presentation held everyone spellbound and when the time came for questions Iñaki was pleased to share his knowledge of photographic kit, different techniques and advice on submissions for photographic awards. A wide range of advice in answer to a wide range of questions.

We are delighted that this presentation was so well received, not just by the regular NDPS members, but also by people outside the Society who had obtained guest tickets to attend.

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