Posts tagged dawn shoot
Tuesday 16th June, 2020 - Another First and Another Great Success!

At half past seven on the evening of 16th June about 40 members of the society gathered round their computers at home, because of the ubiquitous Lockdown, and settled in to enjoy the first Virtual Member's Evening ever. Member's Evenings are, of course, not new but to hold such a meeting using Skype was a first and, although we have had many Special Event speakers in this difficult period, this was the first home grown meeting. And it was a real success.

Member's Evenings are a chance for members to share ideas, images, knowledge and experience in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. So, what was on the menu this evening?

Neil Hall gave a presentation on that part of his career as a paparazzo describing not only the job briefs but the long and sometimes tedious hours waiting for celebrities to appear. But when they did appear the frantic action to get the shot. And good shots too - Neil included several sample photos in his presentation! Thanks Neil for a whirlwind half hour.

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