Posts tagged gower
The Beautiful Light by Jane Goodall

Yesterday's presentation by the wonderful Jane Goodall was received with enthusiasm and joy by nearly 60 participants including Claudia Frost who watched Jane from her home a few miles West of Chicago in the USA - 3,975 miles away beating the NDPS record for the furthest guest by more than 800 miles.

This was all about photo composition with the mind in mind. Always try to work out how your mind relates to the picture and how this can make or break a good composition. She urged us to be objective behind our cameras and tripods and look for the visual clues to capture the many sensory inputs in a scene. Remember, our brains work in 3d but a photograph is in 2d! She invited us to consider the difference between 'field of view' and 'depth of field' but in any case work with the sun, the source of light, and don't forget the 'finger trick'.

As aids to good photography she emphasised the need for careful planning and the use of The Photographer's Ephemeris and Imray's Tide Planner to be sure that everything works on the day. She emphasised not only the use of a tripod but stout wellington boots and the need for compact packing of equipment and care in crossing slippery rocks on a seashore.

But her most surprising tip, to make sure you see any problems or something unusual in your frame, was to follow the training of an army sniper! Search your scene from right to left, an unnatural eye movement and one that would make anything out of the ordinary stick out like a sore thumb!

It's impossible to cover all the photo tips and all the breath-taking photos she presented but as an indication of the breadth of this presentation Jane produced three consecutive photos to illustrate a particular point - Overstrand, Death Valley and Normandy. This reviewer has never seen three more disparate locations to highlight a technique.

Thanks Jane for a great presentation.

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