Posts tagged ndps success
Another outstanding result for NDPS this time in the EAF Print Championships 2022

Norwich & District Photographic Society continued our recent success in external photographic competitions and inter-club battles with an excellent performance in the EAF Championships. This report is by Dave Balcombe who was one of the five NDPS members who were at Fulbourn on Sunday for the championships.

On Sunday13th March five club members went to the print championships in Fulbourn. There are we currently understand 116 clubs in the EAF but only 17 entered the print championship this year whereas normally there are at least 25 and frequently in the recent past many more. Each club entered 15 prints and the winners would go forward to represent the EAF at the national championship organised by the PAGB. This style of competition is somewhat different to normal club competitions, there are 3 judges with a numeric keypad, the prints are placed on a display stand, and they score between 1 and 5 so the maximum score is 15. They are all experienced judges and the scores come up in seconds with no other feedback or commentary so often images that might do well at club level don’t do so well if they don’t have instant impact.

The Norwich entry was drawn from all the photographs entered in our Annual Exhibition and all other internal competitions and members were invited to submit any other images they wanted considered by our selectors.

By the half way point we knew we were doing fairly well and lying in 5th place, but it was very close at the top. We think the judges must have had a good lunch as the scores immediately after they had dined were noticeably higher and when the final scores were totalled up we still had the 5th highest score of 178.

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