Topic for next Year's International Three-way Battle is announced.

Next Year it is the turn of Foto-Club Koblenz to organise the Annual International Three-way Battle between Kpblenz, Ciné-Photo Club Nivernais, and NDPS when all three ‘clubs’ will again compete for the Alan Taylor Memorial Trophy, currently held by NDPS.

The topic that FCKO have chosen is ‘GRAPHIC’. 

In the context of the competition Graphic photographs are photo motifs that result in a graphic motif through light, dark, colors, surfaces, lines and dots. What is meant is the language of form - also in nature, objects, light and shadow, facade(s) and building structure (not "simple" architecture).

 The remaining rules are the same as until now. NDPS will be ready to send our 20 +1 images by the first week of January 2023…!

MATIN D’HIVER (Winter Morning) by François Pacaud CPCN
Image with the highest aggregate score in the 2022 Battle won by NDPS