Mastering Long Exposure Photography by Antony Zacharias

Mastering Long Exposure Photography

Last evening Antony gave us his presentation on long exposures. He promised to give us a focus on wide ranging aspects of long exposure work including night-time images, neutral density filters and a wealth of hints and tip to improve long exposure photography.

Well, he kept his promise..!

His explanations together with a fantastic set of photographs were an inspiration to landscape photographers and, I suspect, photographers from other genres..!

He began simply by setting out a two part definition of the use of long exposure:

1. where there is a shortage of available light and

2. a deliberate and creative use of extended shutter speed.

His coverage of number 1 included Astro Photography, Night Photography, Interior Photography, and some outside Photography.

His coverage of number 2 included Creative Blur, Light Trails, Light Painting, and extremely long exposures with neutral density filters.

Antony stressed the need for a good tripod and a remote shutter release for the camera, and the use of Bulb mode. He expanded by talking about spare batteries, long exposure calculator and so on.

Antony explained neutral density filters and how to work out the extra exposure time. And he included a variety of excellent examples of oceans, rivers and clouds and the effects of the filters. Disappearing people were also included in his explanation.

The need for a good, solid tripod was reiterated together with a warning of light leaks in long exposure and how to stop them happening. Another useful tip with batteries was, if the weather is very cold, remove the battery and put it in your pocket for a short time and body heat will warm and revive it..!

An excellent presentation packed full of tips and solid information, and all backed up with fine examples of his own work with filters and long exposures