First monthly challenge of the new season

The Dropbox folder opens on Monday 2nd September for the first Monthly Challenge of the new season.  Every month (except during December) the challenge begins on the first Monday of the month and the Dropbox closes on the third Friday – September’s challenge therefore closes on Friday 20th September.

All submitted images will be posted on the NDPS members only Facebook page and on the Message Board to allow members the opportunity to review the images.  September’s entries will be reviewed by a selection panel of members and those images selected will be reviewed at the meeting on Tuesday 15th October.


The there are two main objectives of the monthly challenge:

  • To see those images that members are currently working on, to collectively review those images and to provide the member with constructive suggestions to help them get the best final result possible

  • To get early sight of images that have the potential to be selected to be included in the NDPS’s entry for Battles, Inter-club competitions and the EAF Championships that take place throughout the season. 

In addition, the review process should help each member assemble the strongest collection of images for them to enter at the end of the season in the Society’s Annual Exhibition.

Every member is allowed to submit THREE (3) images in each monthly challenge.  If more than three images are submitted the first three will count. Images 1,600 by 1,200 pixels in sRGB colour space should be submitted via the website using the monthly challenge option. Remember you now need to login to the Members’ Area of the website to sumit images using your registered email address and unique password.

This year we are using a new software package for competitions which will make it much easier to run competitions and to record and collate the scores etc.  Whilst this new software has many benefits it does mean that because entries are uploaded to the system electronically members MUST name their images correctly if they are not to be rejected.  Please therefore take particular note of the format required and ensure that you name all submitted images correctly including where shown in the following example the correct use of upper and lower case letters.

Example file name - THIS IS THE TITLE OF MY IMAGE_John Smith_Sept (Sept in this case being the reference for the September monthly challenge)

Already, at the start of the season we are on the look out for potential images to be used for our entry in two external competitions:

Three-way Battle -  the annual Battle with Ipswich and Lowestoft takes place in early November, so we don’t have much time to select our entries.  The competition consists of THREE (3) rounds each consisting of SEVEN (7) images from each Club.  The rounds are (1) Monochrome prints, (2) Colour prints and (3) Digital images.  There are no restriction of themes but the entry for each round must comprise a fair balance of photographic genres.
The competition rules allow for a maximum of TWO (2) images from the same photographer and a minimum of TWELVE (12) photographers’ work being included in each Club’s entry.

Cambridge Camera Club Inter-Club Digital Challenge – although this competition is held in January next year the deadline for submitting entries is during November.  The competition consists of FIVE (5) Rounds with each Club entering ONE (1) image in each round.  The rounds are (1) Monochrome (open), (2) People, (3) Landscape, (4) Nature and (5) Open (any subject) plus a sixth image to be used in the case of a draw. 
The competition rules allow for a maximum of TWO (2) images from the same photographer but our ambition as always is for all the images in our entry to come from different members of the Society.